New case of low-quality mortar shells shipment to Ukrainian army. Official doc
According to an official document from the Ukrainian media outlet "Mirror of the Week", UKRAINIAN ARMOR LLC, supplied one thousand 120 mm Mortar High Explosive rounds to one of the National Guard units.
Upon inspection of the armor, it was detected that most of it had factory defects, including the absence of markings indicating weight and non-compliance with weight criteria (NATO nomenclature number 1315-39-001-648). When weighing individual shells, experts discovered differences in weight compared to manufacturer's documentation. The commission also found the defect and 100% of the batch was removed from service and replaced.
It turned out the supplier of these defective products was identified as the Romanian company Carfil SA, and UKRAINIAN ARMOR LLC had ordered a batch of 120 mm Mortar High Explosive rounds from this manufacturer.
It also should be noted that UKRAINIAN ARMOR LLC is led by Vladislav Belba. In 2019, he was arrested by the NABU (National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine) for corruption in the defense sphere. At the time, he was the head of the state-owned enterprise SPETSTEKHNOEXPORT.